703 691-8410

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Criminal trial, appeal, and post-conviction cases throughout Virginia and nationwide.

Resources for Attorneys and Clients 


Transcripts of Expert Testimony in Virginia Cases – over 2,000 transcripts of expert testimony searchable by the experts name or the type of expertise

Preparing for the VADOC– a 33-page primer by inmates for new inmates on what to expect and how to stay safe and make the most of your time

Post-Conviction Remedies in Virginia – the only treatise in Virginia summarizing and explaining the laws of post-conviction – how to attack your conviction and shorten your sentence


Pardon Summary – Attorney Sheldon has analyzed all 505 pardons issued from 2008-2019 and has won simple, conditional and commutation pardons for his clients

Sample Examinations of Forensic Experts – Here are sample direct and cross examinations of experts, most from cases that Sheldon & Flood, PLC have litigated.

Sheldon & Flood, PLC

10621 Jones Street, Suite 301A

Fairfax Virginia 22030

703 691-8410
