Sheldon & Flood, P.L.C.
703 691-8410
Creative, Experienced Representation

Criminal Trials, Appeals and Post Conviction
Sheldon & Flood is a criminal defense law firm based in Fairfax, VA, that handles serious criminal trial, appeal, and post-conviction cases throughout Virginia and nationwide. Our expertise includes complex criminal appeals as well as any possible way of reducing a sentence or gaining release from prison including: writs of innocence, pardons, and parole. We have earned a reputation for a tireless, innovative and client-centered approach to our cases. We are passionate about our work and believe it is our responsibility to do all we can as advocates for the defense. Your case is no exception. The firm has considerable experience defending persons charged with serious violent offenses, serious narcotics offenses, felony assault and sexual assault.
Sheldon & Flood, PLC
10621 Jones Street, Suite 301A
Fairfax Virginia 22030
703 691-8410